The Mitton Village Block Party

Block Party

The Mitton Village Block Party

The revitalization of the Mitton Village area of Sarnia is a top priority for small business owners and residents in this tight knit community. 

The 4th annual MV Block Party organized by the Mitton Village Citizens Collective and sponsored by nuSarnia Foundation, was a key support avenue to help bring the neighbourhood residents together and bring new people of Sarnia to the vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, welcoming environment.

At nuSarnia, we know social connection is a huge aspect in the quality of life for our residents and a sense of community and belonging can be hard to achieve when there’s no place for residents to gather. We are proud to sponsor events like this that encourage the creation of public spaces, social experiences and revitalization of our urban core. Due in large part to the success of the Block Party and the hard work and dedication of the organizing committee, new public spaces in Mitton Village are emerging, giving neighbours and visitors alike, green space and gathering places to come together for social interaction.

Project Goals

Goal 1

Developing new public spaces. 

Goal 2

Encouraging social connection.

Goal 3

Neighbourhood revitalization.

Project Results

The Mitton Village Block Party created an opportunity for social interaction that wasn’t there before. They turned vacant spaces into a brightly coloured, vibrant, people-friendly destination that encouraged social interaction, attracting and inviting people of all ages to come socialize and support local vendors, businesses and musicians. Thank you to the Mitton Village Citizens Collective volunteer group for organizing this fantastic community event. 

Project Partners