Youth Spokes
Youth Spokes
When the Bluewater International Granfondo organization approached us with the Youth Spokes Program, we immediately jumped at the opportunity to sponsor this pilot project.
This program perfectly aligns with the nuSarnia Foundation’s mission, as it brings cycling, community and health & wellness benefits to the next, younger generation. The more we can encourage children to safely ride their bikes to school, or to a friends house, we slowly raise a generation who will then choose to ride to work, and pass that love of cycling on to their children, and so on. There is no better place to start building a strong active cycling culture here in Sarnia than with our youth.
Over 20 participants, ages 11-14yrs, gathered each Sunday for a 6 week program that included bicycle safety, bike maintenance, rules of the road training, and more. Bikes and helmets were provided for those that needed them, removing any financial barriers to participating in this important and positive program. The leadership team of the Youth Spokes program brought knowledge, compassion, confidence and understanding to the young participants throughout the June/July 2022 timeline. nuSarnia Foundation is a proud and engaged sponsor for this local community initiative.
Project Goals
Goal 1
Increased cycling knowledge.
Goal 2
Opportunity for mentorship.
Goal 3
Personal growth.
Project Results
Enabled by the nuSarnia Foundation 2022 sponsorship, the Youth Spokes Program offered the use of new bicycles and helmets for all participants involved. We look forward to sponsoring many more sessions of this impactful, youth centred, local community cycling program.
Learning cycling safety lessons that will last a lifetime. Forging friendships and gaining an enriched view of the community in which the next generation lives. Thank you Youth Spokes!